Berbahasa (apapun) dengan baik dan benar bagian 2: Hujan, Becek, Ojek…

Nggak, nggak, saya nggak akan nyebut-nyebut mbak CL dulu kok 🙂

Beberapa tahun terakhir, saya selalu dikerjain diminta tolong oleh pihak kemahasiswaan fakultas untuk membantu pemilihan Mahasiswa Berprestasi. Peranan saya, menilai kompetensi Bahasa Inggris para calon mahasiswa berprestasi tersebut. Dua tahun terakhir, penilaian kompetensi Bahasa Inggris diperluas menjadi Lomba Bahasa Inggris dan terbuka bagi seluruh mahasiswa.

Setiap tahun, pasti muncul bakat-bakat terpendam, hidden jewels, mahasiswa-mahasiswa yang memiliki kompetensi Bahasa Inggris yang di atas rata-rata. Hal yang lebih menggembirakan lagi adalah bahwa peminat lomba setiap tahun meningkat. Makin banyak mahasiswa FMIPA yang bilingual. Tahun ini peserta dari Dept Biologi yang lolos ke final ada 5 orang (dari 12 orang finalis). Sungguh, sebagai seorang dosen, hati saya berbunga-bunga, cieeeee. Belum lagi mahasiswa-mahasiswa yang belajar menulis Bahasa Inggris lewat blognya. Sangat membanggakan!

Sayangnya rasa berbunga-bunga itu sedikit dirusak dengan kehadiran celebrity muda yang meskipun cantik, tapi penguasaan bahasanya, ampun-ampunan deh. Generasi muda celebrity Indonesia saat ini memang kental dengan International flavor. Coba saja lihat nama-nama ini: Marsha Timothy, Richard Kevin, Andrew White, Ben Joshua, dll, dll.

And then we have, just like Snow White, the fairest of them all: Cinta Laura.

Anak ini, konon besar di LN, mengikuti tugas sang ayah sehingga dia lebih menguasai Bahasa Inggris ketimbang Bahasa Indonesia. Analoginya mungkin Ida Iasha (remember her, generation 80s?). Jadinya, kalau sedang berbahasa Indonesia, logat baratnya sangat kental.

And wouldn’t you know, Indonesian people just looove her accent. The “hujan-becek-ngga ada ojek” thing became a big hit. People (read: tabloids) make her say those words during interviews, eeeww.

The first time I heard her speak, I thought it was cute. She reminded me of my niece living in the UK. But after a hundred times it became annoying. I cringe every time I hear her speak. Look, she is not the only bilingual person in this huge metropolitan. All of my bilingual friends can manage two different languages without the heavy English accent. *I* managed to maintain my bilingual capabilities. So why can’t she do it?

My theory is now the accent is her gimmick/thing. She gets endorsement and advertising deals based on speaking English-accented-Indonesian so she’s got to keep up the act of talking like that, eventhough it makes her sound like a cartoon. What makes me more worried is that more and more Indonesian kids will sound like her. Is that what we want?

So kids, if you’re reading this, please, please, don’t use Cinta Laura’s language skills as a model. You can be bilingual without the accent!

I follow my head (is that a good thing?)

You Follow Your Head

You’re rational, collected, and logical.
Generally, it takes you quite a while to fall in love.
In fact, you’ve even been accused of being very picky.
While you’re cool, you’re not ice cold.
You just know what you want, and don’t mind waiting to get it.

Change of Scenery

I just realized that the theme of my blog is exactly the same as an Indonesian celebrity who I particularly don’t really like right now. Sooo, time for change of scenery!

What is this world coming to?

While browsing the net for weather news, I came across this piece on detik and found myself stunned. Then it had a related news link that covered this, which even made me more speechless and disgusted at the same time.

What made me even more angry was the fact that the parties involved were not really stupid people. One is village head (Kepala Desa) and the other was a university student. Yikes!!!

Excuse me while I go and throw up my dinner. My stomach cannot take this. 😦